About Blue Ling (Molva Dypterygia)
Blue ling is a long living deepwater fish found mostly from 350-500 meters depth on muddy bottoms.
It grows slowly but can reach a meter and a half.
The blue ling is almost identical to Molva molva, but with the following characteristics: The lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw. The eye is larger, occupying more than one fifth of the head length. The head and back are uniformly copper coloured, with no marbling or mottling. The body width is also narrower than that of a similar sized Ling

The Blue ling feeds on crustaceans and fish (flatfishes, gobies, rocklings)

The Blue ling is a tasty food fish, with oily meat that stays fresh for a long time. Fresh fillets can be fried or broiled and used in various dishes.

Blue Ling fishing areas

Source: www.fishbase.org

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