About the Atlantic Cod

The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a common fish all around Iceland. This species is widely distributed in a variety of habitats, from the shoreline down to the continental shelf. It is most commonly found at depths of between 100 and 400 meters.
The cod is often 70-90cm long when caught and of a weight between 3 and 7 kg when cought.
Cod form schools during the day and spawn once a year.

Nutritional Value:
Cod is primarily a good source of protein. It also contains plenty of vitamin B12 and selenium and has a healthy balance f sodium and potassium.

Main nutrients g/100g

Total solids 19,6
Protein 18,1
Fat 0,3
Glycogen 0,1


Cod are omnivorous; they feed at dawn or dusk on invertebrates and fish, including young cod.

They are marketed fresh, dried or salted, smoked and frozen; they are eaten steamed, fried, broiled, boiled, microwaved and baked

Cod fishing areas

source: www.fishbase.org
Hafrannsóknarstofnun Íslands