About Herring (Clupea harengus harengus )
Herring, the most numerous fish in the world, can grow up to half a meter in length and a kilo in weight although it is usually much smaller. The can live to be 11 years old.
Herring stays at depths from the surface down to 250 meters deep.
Feeding and growth are very low during winter.

Nutritional Value:
Herring is an excellent source of vitamins A, D and B12 and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of omega-3 depnds on the fat content, which can vary considerably.

Main nutrients g/100g

Total solids 32,6
Protein 15,2
Fat  14,0
Glycogen <0,1


Feeds on small planktonic copepods in the first year, thereafter mainly on copepods. A facultative zooplanktivorous filter-feeder, i.e., it can switch to filter-feeding if the food density and particle size are appropriate.

Utilized fresh, dried or salted, smoked, canned and frozen; can be fried, broiled, microwaved and baked.

Herring fishing areas

Source: www.fishbase.org

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