About Monkfish/Anglerfish (Lophius Piscatorius )
Monkfish can reach up to 2 meters in lenght and 40 kg in weight. It is commonly found south and south-west of Iceland and is, despite its exterior looks, one of the most delicious fish in the north-Atlantic.
A bottom-dwelling fish, the Monkfish stays at depths between 20 and 1800 meters although it is most common down to 600 meters.

Nutritional Value:
Monkfish is an excellent source of protein, is rich in vitamin A and provides a good supply of selenium, zinc and calcium.

Main nutrients g/100g

Total solids 17,4
Protein 15,8
Fat 0,1
Glycogen <0,1

Feeds on hard-shelled mollusks, crabs, lobsters, sea urchins and other echinoderms

Monkfish tastes a bit like lobster, is a superb food fish, with delicious, firm, white meat. It is eaten steamed, fried, broiled, boiled, microwaved and baked.

Monkfish fishing areas

Source: www.fishbase.org
Hafrannsóknarstofnun Íslands