About Tusk (Brosme Brosme )
Found in small shoals on rough, rock, gravel, or pebble bottoms all around Iceland, but mainly in the south. The tusk generally keeps far from the shore, near the bottom, mostly between 150 and 450 meters in the northeastern Atlantic, and between 18 and 550 m in the northwestern Atlantic. Occurs at a temperature range of 0°-10° C. It lives solitary or in small groups.
Tusks can reach up to 40 years of age and well over a meter in lenght.

Nutritional Value:
Tusk is a lean fish and is an excellent soure of protein, as well as providing plenty of vitamin B12, pyridoxine and selenium

Main nutrients g/100g.

Total solids 18,1
Protein 16,1
Fat 0,2
Glycogen <0,1


Tusk feeds on crustaceans and shellfishes, benthic fishes (flatfishes and gurnard) and even on starfishes.

Tusk has firm, white meat that tastes a little like lobster. Tusk is sold fresh, frozen, dried and salted and eaten steamed, fried, broiled, boiled, microwaved and baked

Tusk fishing areas

Source: www.fishbase.org

Hafrannsóknarstofnun Íslands